MacDuffee Clan Society of America, Inc.

Current Chatter

Spring 2024

Dear Members of the MacDuffee Clan Society of America,
We will convene our Annual General Meeting (AGM) Saturday July 13, 2024, 1:30-2:30 pm on Grandfather Mountain. We will meet in the Chieftain's Tent as we have the last few years and conduct our regular business including the election of officers for 2024-2025. In addition, there will be an important update from the Council of Presidents regarding the settling of the Name of the Clan and the process for identifying a qualified New Clan Commander. All individuals regardless of membership in a Society that are of the name are eligible to participate in determining the name and the Commander process.

Thank you,

Thomas McDuffee FSAScot
President MacDuffee Clan Society of America, Inc.

Archived Chatter

Fall 2023

Spring 2023

Council of Presidents Announcements

A presentation by Dr. Bruce Durie of Scotland regarding the current process for identifying a new Clan Commander was addressed to the 80 plus individuals that joined the 2023 Gathering in Scotland and included a Q&A discussion. A Council of Presidents of all our current Societies is engaged in this Process with the Guidance of Dr. Bruce Durie. Please click here to view the presentation.

Click here for document #1 by Dr. Bruce Durie concerning the proper use of a crest.
Please be aware that Dr. Durie's document is protected by Copyright and is not available for sharing. No notes, additions, annotations, reductions, comments of clarification or any other modifications may be made to this document.

For more information on the Settling of Clan Name and Commander Selection Process, please click here.